Advertising Agility Adjyle Advertising Agility in Online Marketing and Sales Promotion
Adjyle Marketplace Overview and Benefits

"Adjyle's Marketplace gives you an additional on-line opportunity to advertise and promote your business, products, and services, and be found more easily on the web. Adjyle's Marketplace has more business flexibility and information content and value than any other business listing and coupon service."
- Ron Franke, CEO and Founder

When you join Adjyle you get access to Adjyle's marketplace, community, and advertising and promotion tools. Advertising your business on Adjyle's marketplace gives you one additional marketing channel where your customers can find you on the web. The marketplace does four things for you today and will do more for you in the future. Today you can:
  • Display your business listing
  • Make coupons, special offers, and notices
  • Display your business profile
  • Display your product and services catalog

Why Adjyle is Unique and a Better Resource for You

We do four things that no other service does for it's customers:
  1. We give you the choice of how you use the business material (social objects), such as your listing, profile, coupons, catalog, newsletters, collateral, and webpages. This means that you can publish your listing, profile, and or coupons to Adjyle's marketplace and/or use them someplace else, such as your own web site.
  2. We don't use your information for any purpose other than support and account management. We do not sell your information or any information about our customers and their data usage to anyone.
  3. We don't charge anything for the use of Adjyle's coupons (beyond the subscription service fee) when you display and redeem your coupon.
  4. We don't double-brand. That is, Adjyle's brand and name do not appear on your social objects.
Adjyle makes it's money through subscription fees.

Adjyle Marketplace Benefits
  • More ad content and features than any other listing service at a price inspired by the needs of small business
  • Easy to send your business listing and coupons to targeted current and potential customers
  • Optional business listing profile that acts as a business and marketing information page and can be sent to targeted current and potential customers
  • Ad link to display your listing that can be added to your business cards, marketing material, and email signatures as:
  • Easy link to your profile as:
  • Link to your coupon or coupon group
  • Link to your product or service catalog
  • Enhances your SEO search engine findability and search indexing
  • Business building resources for small business owners and independent professionals
  • Access to networking and community
  • Smart phone displayable